Saturday, January 30, 2010

buy things they don't need.

This pseudo-boy-next-door prick is driving a gas guzzling monster truck in downtown L.A. How many things are wrong with this? Since when did the terrain in L.A. get so rugged?
You ain't foolin' nobody, Kelso. You are a douchbag of the highest order, drinking up the sloppy seconds of Bruce Willis' milkshake. No real man would be caught dead driving such a useless, ozone melting automobile.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

choose their penis over integrity.

And to think people thought of you in the same category as Kurt Cobain...

embarass their dead fathers.

How phony can one human be? Here's your answer.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

hit girls.

Even if they are incredibly annoying, a real man wouldn't hit a woman. Or wear more hair gel than one.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

need an entourage.

Do you hate yourself that much that you constantly have to be surrounded by yes men and skanks? Or is it the fact that there isn't a cell in your body that resembles something masculine? How about this, when was the last time you took your own garbage to the curb? Cleaned out the garage? Shoveled snow? Clipped your own fingernails?

Beyond douchbag.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

watch reality TV.

There is always something that needs fixing. Go fix it and stop being a assholeface.

dog fight.

You are the mother of all pussies if you are involved in this shit. Seriously.